Vice President - FULFILLED at 2023 AGM
This position is a voting position on the board. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Assisting president in their role
- Oversee office administrative duties
- Work with City of Medicine Hat and MHLL diamond maintenance staff
- League paperwork and acting as primary liaison between membership that includes actioning feedback, incident creation/follow-up and inquiries via phone and eMail
Secretary - FULFILLED at 2023 AGM
This position is a voting position on the board. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Minute taking at executive meetings and creating meeting agendas
- Communication to membership
- Updating of bylaws and policies
Division Director - FULFILLED at 2023 AGM
This position is a voting position on the board. Medicine Hat Little League is seeking a representative to work with each divisions coordinator in the scheduling of league games, tournaments and playoffs for the 2024 house league season.
Division Coordinators - One for Each Division (non board positions)
Each division within our league has a division coordinator assigned to it. This person keeps track of and compiles standings from the league score and pitch count shared document(s). Division coordinators with the help of board representatives also create the annual division tournament draws and are a point of communication for coaches of their respective division throughout the season.
Communications Director - FULFILLED at 2023 AGM
This position is a NON-voting position on the board. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Social media updating
- Infographic creation and design using Canva
- League and division communications via eMail
Safety Director - FULFILLED
This position is a voting position on the board. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Coordinating criminal record checks
- Maintain league policies and player/parent/coaches handbooks
* Existing director to provide overlap instructional training
All-Star Director - FULFILLED at 2023 AGM
This position is a voting position on the board. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Assisting with All-Star player assessments
- Assisting with All-Star coaching selection
- Liaise with All-Star coaches and other board members regarding scheduling, tournament entry, team and league communication and act as a liaison between MHLL and Little League Alberta
- Preferred to be available or accessible during All-Star season from May to August